My Medicine Diaries...!
1) Self reflective writing on their medical student career
I Siddarth Rangu, here to present you my adventures & experiences done in my medicine department as an Internee.
As a medical intern, my daily experience involved a mix of clinical duties and learning opportunities. I assisted in patient rounds, take histories, perform physical examinations. The workload can be intense, but it's a valuable learning experience, providing exposure to different specialties and sharpening your clinical skills. It's a challenging but rewarding period of hands-on learning.
Here's one of my cases I would like to share:
A 26 year old male presented with worsening breathlessness since 3 hours post binge (90ml whiskey )
His earliest recall of events dates back to when he was studying in high school ( 9th class ) during the lunch break, he felt severe breathlessness and had to sit back while playing with copious amounts of ?sputum expectoration which he describes it as yellowish in colour and non foul smelling, he describes the incident like he is an old man and needs to sit back to catch up breath
He continues to feel breathlessness through out his teens and he needs to rest often associated with palpitations on further asking to describe the palpitations it was of pounding nature ( in his words hitting a wall with loud thump ) lasting for 1-2 hours aggravating on lying down
He often developed respiratory tract infections with history cough with copious amounts of expectorant, sore throat and running nose with is relieving on taking medication ( tab azithromycin). On asking his mother she gave a long history of repetitive infections since childhood once or twice a year and avoiding foods aggravating his cough and cold he was taken to hospital at one year of age for breathlessness
He’s the third born child with term pregnancy normal vaginal delivery with meconium aspiration and was diagnosed to be dextrocardia on 4th day of delivery as he was sick they were referred to many hospitals and was discharged after relieving his symptoms.
He was also advised to practice to sit with head low and knees apposed to chest which resulted in vain.
He’s married and drinks alcohol since two years with occasional binge ( once or twice weekly ) whiskey preferably (90-180ml ) says post binging breathlessness decreases and doesn’t get sputum,he works as an VRO ( village revenue officer ) since after his father was retired and finds it difficult as its not a desk job and halts regularly to catch up breath.
14 days back under the influence of alcohol he had a history of fall from bike.
Sustained head injury with no history of loss of consciousness, ENT bleed and denied going to hospital as he was alright and developed fever on subsequent day subsided on medication.
History of pedal oedema since 10 days extending upto knee, pitting type, progressively increasing and attained the present state, he denies history of pedal oedema prior to these 10 days and also denies history of hematuria and frothy urine or decreased urine output and facial puffiness.
Post binge he had 3 episodes of vomiting in the morning was taken to a local doctor revealing potassium 3.2 and creatinine 2.2,TLC -16000 and was given fluids and antiemetic medication.
Since 3 hours he developed breathlessness post binge and was brought to casualty with spO2 41% on RA and 84% on 15L of oxygen.
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative
No pallor, icterus, cyanosis seen.
Clubbing of fingers is seen
No generalised lymphadenopathy.
B/l pedal edema is seen.
Temperature-98 F
Bp-120/70 mmhg
PR- 90bpm
RR -17cpm
RS- BAE+ rt IAA crepitus +
P/A- soft, non tender
Kartagener syndrome ?
Viral pneumonia ?
After SOB subsided:
1.Tab . MVT PO/OD
2.Tab Thiamine 100mg PO/OD
3.Nebulisation with Budecort 12th hrly duolin 6th hrly
4.Bp/PR/RR/Temp charting 4th hrly
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